Saturday, January 17, 2009

I am finally reading the book i picked up towards the end of last year at an Op-shop for 50c: Peace With God by Billy Graham. The book has three parts to it: The problem; The soulution; The result. It's a pretty straight forward book concerning God, sin, the Devil, Jesus Christ, Conversion, Repentance, Faith and the future of the Christian. I'm still into part one, but already I have learnt much that I've lacked in knowledge because I was born into a Christian family. I'm not saying that I don't appreciate being brought up in a Christian home, however I do feel that I don't know enough of the basics as much as I would like. On the other hand, a new believer would make every effort to know the basics because of feeling the need to 'catch up' on the story of God (the Bible).

So for me, the snippit below just woke me up at how much capacity the Devil has to pretty much destroy us. I've always known he was the 'evil guy', but I was more challenged with the points Billy Graham made. I'm kind of tired believing that temptation is hard to defeat, even though I know God's Word tells us it can. I hope this will continualy remind me the importance of my choices and the reasons behind them.

"At this moment in history, two mighty trinities stand face to face: the Trinity of God; the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and the false trinity that Satan would have us worship in its place. The trinity of evil: The Devil, anti-Christ, and false prophet, are described in the Book of Revelations 16:13. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

Never for a second of your waking or sleeping life are you without these two powerful forces, never is there a moment when you cannot deliberately choose to go with one or the other. Always the Devil is standing at your side tempting, coaxing, threatening, cajoling. And always on your other side stands Jesus, the all-loving, the all-forgiving, waiting for you to turn to Him and ask His aid, waiting to stretch out the guiding hand you need to lead you away from the Devil and his works.

In moments of your greatest fear and anxiety, in moments when you feel yourself helpless in the grip of events you cannot when you feel yourself helpless in the grip of events you cannot control, when despair and disappointment overwhelm you-in these moments the Devil has you by the throat. These are the tangible manifestations of Satan, who stands ever ready to grasp every opportunity, ever ready to catch you at your weakest point and push you further along the path that Adam took.

In these perilous moments remember that your loving Father in heaven has not deserted you. He has not left you defenceless in Satan's grip. He has already sent you a sign. He has already shown you the way to safety. He has already promised that if you do His bidding, you shall have life everlasting. You can wrestle with the Devil secure in the knowledge that you can break his hold and be free of his torments for ever. Remember: For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil 1 John 3:8"